In Britain the Consumer Protection Act makes it a criminal offence to sell goods that are unsafe. 英国的《消费者保护法》规定销售不安全物品属刑事犯罪行为。
He suggested that tangling fishing gear should be made a criminal offence. 他提议,缠绕捕鱼器材应该算刑事犯罪。
The negative intense emotion is the University student's catalyst of the intense emotional criminal offence. 消极的激情是消极情绪的积累,是形成大学生激情犯罪行为的催化剂。
It is for the courts to decide whether their behaviour was a criminal offence. 他们的行为是否构成犯罪要交给法院定夺。
In England and Wales, once the police have charged a person with a criminal offence, the crown Prosecution Service assumes control of the case reviews the evidence to decide whether to prosecute. 刑事诉讼程序在英格兰和威尔士,一旦警察指控某人犯有刑事罪,皇家检察总署就要接管此案,并独立地审核证据以决定是否起诉。
My position on countermeasures which deal with prostitution is that on top of china's current legal foundation, which does not count prostitution as a criminal offence, further steps should be taken to see prostitution decriminalized. 我在卖淫对策上的主张是,在我国现有的不以卖淫为刑事犯罪的法律基础上,进一步实现卖淫行为的非罪化。
As a detective I was accustomed to dealing with misappropriation, misrepresentation, misleading information or just missing information, all of which amounted to the criminal offence of deception or straightforward fraud. 作为一个侦探,我已习惯于处理资金挪用、不实陈述、误导性信息、或者信息缺失等违规行为,所有这些行为都足够归入欺诈或诈骗等刑事犯罪。
Race discrimination is a criminal offence. 种族歧视是刑事罪行。
"Illegal possession of tobacco products without this stamp will be a criminal offence punishable by law". 非法持有不带这种税票的烟草产品,将成为受到法律惩罚的犯罪行为。
We regard this as a criminal offence. 我们认为这是一种刑事犯罪行为。
It also proposed a new criminal offence of physical intrusion to obtain information for publication. 报告同时还提出了一种新的罪犯,即为了获取公众信息而进行人身的侵犯。
In response, the Chinese government has amended its Criminal Law, stipulating that all drink-driving constitutes a criminal offence. 作为回应,中国政府修订了《刑法》,规定一切的酒后驾驶都构成刑事犯罪。
For instance gay sex is a criminal offence across the Indian subcontinent. 例如,在整个印度次大陆,男同性恋都是一种刑事犯罪。
He has committed a criminal offence. 他犯了一宗刑事案。
If they are found to be counterfeit the products will be destroyed and the person found in possession of them will be prosecuted for a criminal offence. 如果他们发现这些产品就是假冒伪劣产品,那么就会将其销毁,并对持有这些假冒伪劣商品的人提出刑事控诉。
Cybercrime is a new term that any computer-related criminal offence. 网络犯罪是一个相对较新的词语,指任何与电脑相关的犯罪。
Abstract an important reason, which causes criminal offence, is a crime motive of the crime native. 摘要引起犯罪行为的一个重要原因是犯罪人的犯罪动机。
In Vietnam, causing losses to a state enterprise is a serious criminal offence. 在越南,导致国有企业蒙受损失是一项严重的刑事犯罪。
There is no doubt that it is a criminal offence to hack into others'computers and get secret data. 毫无疑问,非法侵入他人电脑获取机密资料是刑事犯罪。
Soon after, Congress approved legislation making it a criminal offence to offer rebates on tariffs the ICC had approved, and the commission thereafter operated as the manager of a railroad cartel. 不久之后,国会通过了立法,在州际商务委员会批准的费率基础上提供折扣,被定为刑事犯罪。委员会随后也成了铁路卡特尔的管理者。
One of the law officer, a member of parliament, who prosecute for the crown in certain cases, advise, advise government department on legal problem and decide if major criminal offence shall be tried. 检察长之一,下院议员,他在某些诉案中为王室政府就法律问题向政府部门提出意见并决定是否对大的刑事犯罪进行审判。
It points out those criminals who follow traditional values use techniques of neutralization to offset crime ill feeling of their heart in order to rationalize their criminal offence. “中和技术理论”是一种研究少年犯罪心理的社会学理论,它指出奉行传统价值观念的犯罪人如何使用中和技术抵消其内心的罪恶感,从而将其犯罪行为合理化。
I further declare that I have not been convicted of any criminal offence in a court of law. 我还要宣布法庭从未宣判我有罪。我知道任何蓄意的谣传都能让我的申请无法通过。
The newly amended criminal law makes all drunk driving a criminal offence. 新的《刑法修正案》规定所有的酒后驾车都属于刑事犯罪。
It is a criminal offence to threaten someone with violence. 用暴力威胁他人是犯罪行为。
Despite this, the arrests were deemed valid because the couple had attempted to avoid border controls, which is a criminal offence. 尽管如此,此次逮捕仍然是合法的,因为这对夫妇曾试图逃过边境检查,这属于犯罪行为。